Dear Sir/Madam,
We're sorry you missed to attend Intel Python
Hackfury2 on 21 Oct 2019, held at Satish Dhawan
Auditorium in Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru.
If you are interested in learning more about Intel®
Distribution for Python/ Intel software tools,
please refer to the below details.
We, Embedded System Solution are Sub-distributor
(India, Singapore, Australia) and Elite resellers of
Intel software products. We would like to have this
opportunity to take the conversations forward about
the Intel Software Tools that were introduced to at
the Hackathon. We are available to support you in
all your development initiatives involving Intel
Software Tools. Furthermore, we provide Intel Tools
training at varying degrees of expertise and
importantly, consulting services to help users in
adoption of Intel Software Tools.
Following is the product brief for Intel Python
Distribution for your quick reference:
Intel® Distribution for Python
Distribution for Python |
Achieve faster Python*
application performance—right out of the box—with
minimal or no changes to your code
Accelerate NumPy*, SciPy*, and
scikit-learn* with integrated Intel® Performance
Libraries such as Intel® Math Kernel Library and
Intel® Data Analytics Acceleration Library
Access the latest
vectorization and multithreading instructions, Numba*
and Cython*, composable parallelism with Threading
Building Blocks, and more
Commercial Support with
Intel® Parallel Studio XE |
Intel Distribution for Python
is included in Intel software's flagship product,
Intel® Parallel Studio XE. This powerful, robust
suite of software development tools has everything
you need to write Python native extensions: C and
Fortran compilers, numerical libraries, and
profilers. Help boost application performance by
taking advantage of the ever-increasing processor
core counts and vector register widths available in
processors based on Intel® technology and other
compatible processors. |
Profiling Python applications with Intel® VTune™
Amplifier. |
Intel VTune Amplifier
continues to add new and exciting features aimed
directly at Python developers. The tool supports
source line-level Python granularity, navigable
visual representations of Python memory analysis and
mixed-code threading and scheduling. Use the tool
for performance profiling of Python, C, and C++. Get
direct access to our technical experts when you
purchase Intel Distribution for Python with Intel
Parallel Studio XE or Intel® VTune™ Amplifier. |
Thank You,
ESS Intel Software Sales Team
Phone : +91 9845055869
080-67648888 (Extn. 14/36) |