Adams vehicle dynamics models can be ‘driven’ in Virtual
Test Drive (VTD) to test safety-critical systems accurately
from sensor to software. |
The cars of tomorrow will drive themselves. Although real
road tests using physical prototype vehicles offer the highest
degree of realism, the large amount of resources are needed
to perform large-scale and extensive testing of vehicular
networks, renders their use impossible. Simulations in large-scale
virtual environments are essential to validate the performance
of such solutions. |
According to Mr. Aikido Toyoda, Toyota President, “It is estimated
that some 14.2 billion kilometers [8.8 billion miles] of testing,
including simulation, are required to reach the safety with
the autonomous vehicles.” Furthermore, incorporating high fidelity
vehicle physics in autonomous simulations provides an additional
layer of confidence in these virtual approaches.
Adams |
Adams from MSC Software is the industry gold standard
for multibody dynamics. Over the past decades, Adams
has helped engineers automotive simulate and analyze
mechanism dynamics issues upfront in the design cycle. |
Adams Car is extensively used in automotive industry,
not only for handling analysis. Another common usage
is to accurately predict loads in the system with Adams,
loads that can later be used for stress and fatigue
analysis. Other applications include evaluation of ride
and comfort, and detailed analysis of powertrain and
drivelines. Control systems can be integrated with the
Adams model to more accurately evaluate and validate
things such as active safety systems.
Adams – VTD Interface |
Using the open Functional mockup interface (FMI) standard for
interoperability engineers can now couple Adams with VTD and include
high fidelity vehicle dynamics in their autonomous simulations
The Adams model is exported as a Functional Mockup Unit (FMU)
made available in the VTD environment. Since a tool independent standard
is adopted, there is no need to create a specialized interface to ensure
model continuity and tuneable model fidelity.
Adams models can now be used directly in VTD 2019.1 using the
Functional Mock-up Interface (FMI), with flexible configuration to
simulate any vehicle including trucks with more than 4 wheels and
trailers. VTD guarantees synchronicity for robust simulation with Adams
at real time, or faster. Companies can now “bring their own AI” using
an open interface to insert their driver-in-the-loop into VTD, then test
and train their self-driving algorithms in a more accurate simulation with
richer data.
Benefits of Adams‑VTD Integration:
Adams can be used to represent
more advanced vehicle dynamics
like rough roads, driving over a
curb, and evasive maneuvers.
More realistic representation
for sensor behaviors (vibration
causes blurry camera images)
Sensor positioning and sensor
location optimization
Ride comfort study for driving
Chassis parameter tuning
for optimal handling/turning

Simulation must be accurate to centimeters, not
because a split second makes the difference in the most
complex of circumstances. With Adams-ready VTD, we have
brought software development and automotive engineering
together so the industry can move from ‘what should the
vehicle do?’ to ‘can the vehicle cope with this command?
And develop the next generation of safe vehicles.”
Luca Castignani, Automotive Strategist, MSC Software
Blogs & Whitepapers |
VTD is Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious! |