Raisonance designs and manufactures a variety of
Microprocessor Development Systems, including Compilers,
Simulators, High Level Language Debuggers, Real Time
Operating Systems, Integrated Development Environment,
Evaluation Boards and Real Time In-Circuit Emulators.
Supported target architectures include 8051 from several
manufacturers, XA from Philips, ST6 from STMicroelectronics
and Smart Card products from Philips. Raisonance
specializes in 8 and 16 bits microcontrollers with tools
based on advanced technology that is sometimes not
available even for bigger, most expensive targets. In 1995
Raisonance was one of the first companies to offer a
completely integrated development environment (today called
RIDE for Raisonance Integrated Development Environment):
continuously evolving since, RIDE offers today features
that are unique on its market, like Multi Processor
simulation, Peripheral Development Kit and CodeCompressor
post-linker optimizing technology. Raisonance extended
significantly its support for SmartCard chips, which now
includes both contact and contact less interfaces.