What is hybrid edgeCloud and why will it change the way we develop
First generation cloud technology has given users access to storage,
files, softwares, and more through devices connected to the Internet,
instead of over a hard drive. this same type of cloud technology
initially worked through the hosting of siloed apps, where users went to
the web to access the information they needed and by doing so got
serviced through a central cloud.
The future however is looking brighter as it’s all about a
hyperconnected web where apps and devices connect and communicate
through a combination of edge devices and servers in the central cloud.
at mimik, we believe that the future is about decentralizing the cloud
by enabling all computing devices to act as servers to protect our data,
minimize usage of energy and other resources to help save our planet.
Enter Hybrid edgeCloud Computing
Like with any technology that is rapidly evolving, cloud technology has
also evolved in the face of a more hyper-connected world. changes with
future innovations have allowed for an interconnected web where
different apps and devices communicate using both edge devices and
servers in the central cloud. these ‘edge’ devices can be anything
smartphones, tablets, PCs, smart TVs, game consoles, robots, drones, and
AI-based sensors.
An edgeCloud platform allows any computing device to act as a server,
letting other devices communicate directly to the application layer,
hence developing a hybrid edgeCloud that is larger, faster, cheaper, and
with stronger data privacy for its users.