SANBlaze Technology, Inc. is a pioneer in storage emulation
technologies and a leading provider of storage, networking
and multifunction solutions for embedded computing.
Sanblaze NVMe Testing
NVM Express™
The VirtuaLUN provides full control and programmability
of NVMe parameters, providing unique storage test
conditions for NVMe drive testing, development and
certification. Additional support for updating and
loading firmware, as well as support for secure erase,
provides support for further automation steps and
processes. Initiator emulation delivers the ability to
drive multiple channels of traffic, inject errors, and
send specific or custom op codes in an easy to use,
scriptable platform. Features such as Read/Write/Compare
testing, error injection and a custom command builder
provide an environment to drive and test single or
multiple NVMe target devices. |
The VirtuaLUN provides full control and programmability
of NVMe-oF parameters, providing unique storage test
conditions for testing and development. Easily
configurable target environments with optional storage
profiles can be edited and saved for reuse. Multiple
error conditions and triggers allow for complex error
injection. RAM based targets provide low latency targets
for performance testing. Very complex error conditions
can be simulated to provide a unique platform for
backplane and controller testing. |
FC-NVMe Testing
SANBlaze VirtuaLUN storage emulation for FC-NVMe is the
key piece of test equipment for anyone developing
products supporting the FC-NVMe storage protocol. The
VirtuaLUN feature set provides a unique set of functions
applicable in all aspects of a product lifecycle; from
development to design validation and test and QA. The
ability to emulate FC-NVMe targets and initiators
concurrently with native FC targets and initiators on
the same wire with a wide range of configurable
attributes provides engineers with a flexible, scalable
tool to simulate real SAN environments and test director
class switch environments at a fraction of the cost of
real devices. |